U.+1 WeaponAny WeaponTitan Steel500You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon
U.Poison SheathSheathScorpion Lizard Venom Sac225This weapons sheath is filled with poison which coats the blade of the weapon. The first time this weapon hits a creature with an attack after being unsheathed, it applies the poison
U.Paralysis SheathSheathPlatypus Wasp Venom Sac275This weapons sheath is filled with paralyzing venom which coats the blade of the weapon. The first time this weapon hits a creature with an attack after being unsheathed, it applies the poison
U.Sharp BladeSlashing, PiercingHardened Steel300You gain an additional 1d6 slashing damage while this blade is sharp. This blade has 6 sharp points. Each attack you land removes 1 sharp point. You can also lose sharp points when you miss attacks, as determined by the GM. You can restore sharp points by sharpening the weapon.
U.Charge AttackAny WeaponElectric Eel Dragon Scale475As a bonus action you can charge this weapon with energy, the next attack made with this weapon deals an additional 2d6 damage if it hits
U.FocusAny WeaponFocus Stone150This weapon can be used as a bending focus
U.Powerful DrawBludgeoningRhino Boar Tusk325Draw attacks with this weapon deal an additional 1d6 damage
U.Quick DrawSheathMagnet375Draw attacks with this weapon only require a bonus action
U.Ammo CapacityLoadingHardwood, Springs150This weapon has a magazine that holds six pieces of ammunition
U.StingingBludgeoningNettle Tree Wood200When you hit a creature with this weapon, that creature has disadvantage on any Constitution save it makes to maintain concentration
R.+2 WeaponAny WeaponTitan Steel2,500You have a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon
R.Amplify FlowAny WeaponAmplifying Stone, Energy Gem3,000You can go into one (or one more) Offensive or Defensive Flow per day
R.Elemental DamageAny WeaponElemental Gemstone1,500This weapon deals additional 2d6 elemental damage of the same type as the gem if the wielder is a bender (fire, air, earth, water)
R.Critical ClawAny WeaponHorned Owl Cat Claw750Attacks with this weapon score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20
R.Sharp TalonAny WeaponLion Eagle Talon4,000This weapon deals an additional 1d12 damage of the weapons type on a roll of 19 or 20
R.Critical DrawAny WeaponViper Mantis Fang2,750When you hit a creature with a draw attack, roll a d100. If you roll above 85 you score a critical hit.
R.Punishing DrawBludgeoningElephant Ox Tusk or Horn5,000If you have this weapon sheathed and a creature misses you with a melee attack, you can make a draw attack as a reaction. If the attack hits, you deal an additional 1d8 damage, and the creature must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or be stunned until the start of your next turn.
R.ParryAny WeaponReflective Metal, Crane Ape Feathers2,000You can use the parry technique with this weapon, without expending any chi points
VR.+3 WeaponAny WeaponTitan Steel10,000You have a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon
VR.AgitatorAny WeaponJackal Dragon Hide15,000You gain a +1 bonus on damage rolls for each successive blow you land on a creature; meaning, you gain +1 on the first attack, +2 on the second attack, etc. This bonus resets each time you attack a different creature or miss an attack.
VR.ArtilleryAmmunitionGunpowder10,000Attacks with this ammunition deal an extra 1d10 damage
VR.Critical EyeAny WeaponEagle Dragon Scales45,000You attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 18-20
VR.Energy DamageAny WeaponEnergy Gem, Mind Gem, Spirit Gem7,500This damage deals additional 2d6 energy damage of the same type as the gem if the wielder is a bender (chi, mind, spirit)
VR.Full SpeedFinesse or Ranged WeaponsTitan Steel, Antelope Fly Horns and Wings, Energy Gem20,000You gain a +3 bonus on attack rolls with Dexterity-based attacks when your HP and CP are full. When one of them is not full, you gain a +2 bonus, and when neither is full, you gain a +1 bonus.
VR.Full StrengthMelee WeaponsTitan Steel, Bear Ox Horn, Energy Gem20,000You gain a +6 bonus on damage rolls with Strength-based attacks when your HP and CP are full. When one of them is not full, you gain a bonus of +4, and when neither is full, you gain a bonus of +2.
VR.Ever-edgeSlashingHardened Steel, Self-Healing Metal25,000This blade deals an additional 2d6 slashing damage and never goes dull.
VR.Razor SharpSlashing, PiercingSharp Steel, Titan Steel, Pure Metal40,000Sharp (10): When you hit a creature with this weapon, roll a d10 (0-9). If you have more sharp points than the number rolled on the die, you maximize your weapon damage dice. Each attack you land removes 1 sharp point. You can also lose sharp points when you miss attacks, as determined by the GM. You can restore sharp points by sharpening the weapon.
VR.SluggerBludgeoningTitan Steel, Percussion stone30,000When you hit a creature with this weapon, roll a d100. If you roll above 85, the creature is stunned until the start of its next turn
L.Masters TouchAny WeaponTitan Steel, Pure Metal50,000You have a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon, and it cannot be broken or damaged by normal weapons or objects. Attacks with this weapon ignore resistances and treat immunities as resistances.
L.Elemental RulerMelee WeaponPure Metal, Elemental Stone, Gem of Power75,000You have a +2 bonus to attack rolls made with this weapon. This weapon deals 2d6 additional damage of the type of the weapon and 2d6 additional damage of the same type as the elemental stone if the wielder is a bender. Sharp (1): If your weapon is sharp when you hit a creature that is vulnerable to one of this weapons damage types, maximize your weapon damage dice. This weapon only loses sharpness when it collides with another empowered weapon or empowered armor.
L.Weapon of DestructionSlashing, PiercingPure Metal, Chaos Stone80,000You have a +2 bonus to attack rolls made with this weapon. Sharp (5): If you hit a creature with armor, you damage their armor, giving them a -2 penalty to AC until their armor is repaired. If you hit a creature without armor, you cut off part of their body, as determined by the GM. If the GM determines you cannot cut a creature without armors body parts off, the creature takes an additional 6d6 slashing damage.
L.Soul CollectorAny WeaponPure Metal, Gem of Life120,000You have a +3 bonus to attack rolls made with this weapon. Damage dealt by this weapon cannot be healed by bending techniques unless they are performed as a meditation.

RarityNameBaseSpecial MaterialsCostProperties
U.Speed BoostLight ArmorKangaroo Hare Fur, Power Metal250Your speed increases by 10
U.ResistanceAny ArmorSpring Steel (bludgeoning), Hardened Steel (slashing), High Density Steel (piercing), Reflective Metal250You gain resistance to one standard damage type of your choice (bludgeoning, slashing, piercing)
U.MounterLight or Hide ArmorWolf Bat Leather200Advantage on Athletics (Strength) and Animal Handling (Wisdom) to mount a creature
U.FocusAny ArmorFocus Stone150Advantage on Constitution saves to maintain concentration
U.BurrowingAny ArmorBadger Mole Claws300Burrowing speed 10 ft.
U.SwimmingLight ArmorMarlin Sail450Swimming speed 30 ft.
U.CliffhangerLight or Medium ArmorRock Lizard Hide250Climbing speed 30 ft.
U.CrawlingAny ArmorTiger Beetles200Crawling speed 30 ft.
U.HeavyHeavy ArmorHigh Density Steel150You have resistance against effects that would move you or take you out of your stance
U.Heat ResistanceAny ArmorCamel Dragon Scales350Resistance to damage and exhaustion from heat and cold
U.Cold ResistanceAny ArmorWalrus Sheep Wool350Resistance to damage and exhaustion from heat and cold
U.SurvivorAny ArmorHoneybee Bear Hide400Advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks to forage, fish or hunt
U.DetectorAny ArmorConductive Metal, Power Metal, Animal Part (fur, scale, etc)200You get a sense when a creature of the same species as the creature built into the armor is near
U.Lantern ShieldShieldSmall Lantern100You gain a +1 bonus to AC, in additional to the shield's normal bonus to AC. Additionally, this shield has a small lantern with a shutter built into it. As a bonus action, you can open the shutter, shedding bright light for 30 feet in front of you, and dim light for an additional 30 feet.
R.+1 ArmorAny ArmorTitan Steel2,500You gain a +1 bonus to AC
R.Elemental ResistanceMedium or Heavy ArmorReflective Metal, Power Metal, Elemental Gemstone1,500You gain resistance to the elemental damage type of the gem (fire, air, earth, water)
R.Health BoostAny ArmorGem of Health3,000You gain +1 maximum HP per level
R.Energy BoostAny ArmorEnergy Gem3,000You gain +1/2 maximum CP
R.Stance BoostMedium or Heavy ArmorSpring Steel, Stone of Stability1,800Your gain a +2 bonus to AC when you are in your stance
R.FortifyAny ArmorGem of Protection2,000You gain a +2 bonus to AC when you are below half HP
R.SenseAny ArmorAnimal Hide, Amplification Stone750You gain one sense that the beast built into the armor had
R.StealthLight or Medium ArmorPanther Owl Hide4,500You gain advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks. If the base armor normally imposes disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks, this upgrade cancels it out.
R.Soft LandingLight or Hide ArmorSloth Squirrel Hide1,300You do not take damage from falls of 30 feet or less and take half damage from falls up to 100 feet
R.EnduranceMedium or Heavy ArmorStone of Endurance1,000The first time each day you would be reduced to 0 hit points, you drop to 1 hit point instead
R.Arrow CatcherShieldSelf-Healing Wood1,200You gain a +2 bonus to AC against ranged attacks while wielding this shield, in addition to the shield's normal bonus to AC. In addition, whenever an attacker makes a ranged weapon attack against a target within 5 feet of you, you can use your reaction to become the target of the attack instead
VR.+2 ArmorAny ArmorTitan Steel10,000You gain a +2 bonus to AC
VR.AdrenalineAny ArmorGem of Protection, Stone of Endurance, Energy Gem6,000You gain a +1 bonus to AC and attack rolls, and your speed increases by 10 when you fall below half HP
VR.Energy ResistanceMedium or Heavy ArmorReflective Metal, Energy Gem, Mind Stone, or Spirit Gem7,500You gain resistance to the energy damage type of the energy gem imbued in this weapon (chi, mind, spirit)
VR.EvasionLight or Medium ArmorDragon Fly Wings15,000When you make a Dexterity saving throw to take half damage from an effect, you instead take no damage if you succeed, and half damage if you fail
VR.Full SpeedLight or Medium ArmorTitan Steel, Antelope Fly Horns and Wings, Energy Gem20,000You gain a +3 bonus to AC when your HP and CP are full. When one of them is not full, you gain a +2 bonus, and when neither is full, you gain a +1 bonus.
VR.Full StrengthMedium or Heavy ArmorTitan Steel, Bear Ox Hide, Energy Gem20,000The damage of incoming attacks is reduced by 6 when your HP and CP are full. When one of them is not full, incoming damage is reduced by 4, and when neither is full, incoming damage is reduced by 2.
VR.HeroicsAny ArmorSpirit Stone, Energy Gem18,000You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls and 10 temporary hit points any time you fall below half HP
VR.Iron SkinMetal ArmorHardened Steel, Self-Healing Metal20,000You gain a +1 bonus to AC, and your AC cannot be reduced
VR.RecoveryAny ArmorGem of Health, Amplification Stone, Pearl of Power40,000You regain an additional 5 hit points any time you are healed
VR.ResuscitateAny ArmorSelf-Healing Leather, Power Metal, Energy Gem35,000Once per day, when you are unconscious at the beginning of a turn, you are restored to 1 hit point. Once used, this feature is restored when you finish a long rest.
L.+3 ArmorAny ArmorTitan Steel50,000You gain a +3 bonus to AC
L.Latent PowerAny ArmorGem of Power, Spirit Stone, Energy Gem, Stone of Protection, Amplifying Stone, Dragon Talon80,000You gain a +2 bonus to each of your ability scores
L.ReboundMetal ArmorGem of Pure Light, Reflective Metal40,000When you take energy damage of any type, the attacking creature also takes half the damage dealt to you
L.Self-RegenerationLight or Hide ArmorSelf-Healing Leather, Healing Salve, Gem of Health, Pearl of Power65,000You regain 1d4 + 1 hit points at the start of each of your turns in combat as long as you have at least 1 hit point
L.Divine BlessingMedium or Heavy ArmorPure Metal, Gem of Radiance100,000You have resistance to all types of physical and elemental damage
L.RejuvenateAny ArmorGem of Health, Stone of Endurance, Life Stone120,000You may remove one condition, status, or effect that is afflicting you at the start of each of your turns in combat

U.Boots of SneakingBootsWeasel Rat Fur200Your steps make no sound and you have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks that rely on moving silently
U.Boots of BouncingBootsKangaroo Hare Fur, Snow Birch450You jump distance is doubled and your speed increases by 10
U.Boots of WinterBootsWalrus Sheep Wool300You have resistance to cold damage and ignore difficult terrain created by ice or snow.
U.Bracers of ArcheryBracersDragon Bat Wing Leather450You have proficiency with bows, and you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls on attacks made with bows
U.Bracers of the Clawed BeastBracersLion Tiger Bear Claws400These bracers have a switch on them. When the switched is pushed forward, claws extend from the back of the hand. With the claws out, your unarmed strikes deal 1d6 slashing damage. You cannot be disarmed of this item.
U.Cloak of Color ChangingCloakOctopus Chameleon Hide300Wisdom (Perception) checks made to see you have disadvantage, and you have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to hide when you wear this cloak with the hood up
U.Cloak of ProtectionCloakArmadillo Bear Hide200You gain a +1 bonus to saving throws
U.Eyes of CharmingGlassesReflective Metal, Ruby350Once per day, while wearing these glasses you can expend 1 chi point to use the charm person technique (save DC 13)
U.Eyes of Eagle SightGlassesEagle Lion Feather200While wearing these glasses, you have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight
U.Gloves of Fly CatchingGlovesGiant Fly Trap150When a ranged attack hits you, you can use your reaction to reduce the damage by 1d10 + your Dexterity modifier, provided that you have a free hand. If you reduce the damage to 0, you can catch the missile if it is small enough for you to hold it in your hand
U.Gloves of the Gecko SpiderGlovesGecko Spider Web225You gain a +5 bonus to Strength (Athletics) checks made to climb and you have advantage on saving throws made against effects that would disarm you
U.Gloves of the Raccoon FoxGlovesRacon Fox Fur175You gain a +5 bonus to Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) checks and Dexterity checks made to pick locks
U.Good Luck CharmCharmLuck Stone101You gain a +1 bonus to ability checks and saving throws
R.Boots of SpeedBootsCheetahLope Leather1,000You can use a bonus action to Dash. When you do, opportunity attacks made against you have disadvantage
R.Bracers of DefenseBracersTortoise Stone2,000You gain a +2 bonus to AC if you are not wearing armor or using a shield
R.Circlet of DiplomacyCircletReflective Metal, Opal1,800You have advantage on Charisma (Persuasion) rolls
R.Cloak of Free-Flowing FabricCloakVelvet, Autumn Silk3,000You have advantage on saving throws to avoid or escape being grappled or restrained
R.Cloak of Dancing SilkCloakSpring Silk, Silverback Horse Hair3,500The movement of this cloak makes it hard see your exact location, causing any creature to have disadvantage on attack rolls against you. If you take damage, the property is suppressed until the start of your next turn, and is also suppressed if you are incapacitated, restrained, or otherwise unable to move
R.Helm of Calm MindHelmetHigh Density Metal, Soothing Stone850You cannot be frightened
R.Helm of Iron WillHelmetDeep Mountain Iron900You cannot be charmed
R.Helm of the DominantHelmetGorilla Ram Horns3,750You have advantage on Charisma (Intimidation) rolls
R.Horn of HauntingHornSheep Bat Horn1,300You can use an action to blow this horn. Each creature within 30 feet of you must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or be frightened of you for 1 minute. A creature can only be affected by this item once per day.
R.Mantle of ResistanceCloakBison Badger Fur, linen, hemp thread, birch bark, mulberries, queen anne's lace2,000You have advantage on saving throws against bending techniques while wearing this item
R.Necklet of Truth TellingNecklaceGem of Truth, Reflective Metal5,000A creature who wears this item who is not attuned to it cannot tell a lie
VR.Chain of ConfidenceShirtTitan Steel, Ancient Ash15,000You gain a +1 bonus to AC and saves against being frightened
VR.Circlet of MindsightCircletAmplifying Metal, Mind Gem7,500You can use the sense thoughts technique without expending energy
VR.Cloak of ChaosCloakCrow Dragon Scales and Feathers22,500When you are hit by an attack or fail on a saving throw against a bending technique, you can use your reaction to reroll the save or make the attacker reroll the attack
VR.Cloak of ShadowsCloakBlack Heron Dragon Scales and Feathers35,000When you have the hood up in this cloak and are in complete darkness you become invisible. If you are in dim light, you gain a +10 bonus to Dexterity (Stealth) checks
VR.Horn of HeroesHornRam Buck Antler Horn17,500You can use an action to blow this horn. Each friendly creature within 30 feet of you gains 5 temporary hit points and a +1 bonus on attack rolls for 1 minute. A creature can only be affected by this item once per day.
VR.Horn of SpiritHornTortoise Snail Shell10,000Once per day on your turn, you can use an action to blow this horn. When you do, spirits within 120 feet of you of the same alignment as you will come to your aid in battle
VR.Ring of RegenerationRingSelf-Healing Metal20,000You regain 1d6 hit points every 10 minutes, provided that you have at least 1 hit point
VR.Ring of SurgingRingConductive Metal, Flash Stone12,500Once per day on your turn, you can activate this ring. When you do, you can take one additional action and your speed is doubled for the duration of your turn
VR.Robe of ConstellationsCloakSilver Dragon Fish Scales, Velvet50,000You have advantage on Wisdom (Insight) checks and any creature who attempts to lie to you must succeed on a DC 20 Charisma saving throw. On a failed save, you get to see their thoughts.
L.Cloak of the Spirit FormCloakSpirit Worm Silk150,000You can use an action to shift into spirit form. While in spirit form you are invulnerable to physical (bludgeoning, piercing, slashing) damage from normal weapons
L.Mirror of ReflectingMirrorReflective Metal, Volcano Ash Glass90,000When you succeed on a saving throw against a chibending, spiritbending, or bestowal technique, you can use your reaction reflect the effect of the technique back on the user
L.Helm of Radiant LightHelmetPure Metal, Gem of Radiance100,000When a creature targets you with a ranged attack, it must succeed on a Constitution saving throw (DC 17) or be blinded until the end of its turn
L.Robe of the MasterCloakCashmere, Purple Lotus Root120,000You gain a +2 bonus to technique save DC and technique attack bonus. If you arent wearing armor, your Armor Class equals 15 + your Dexterity modifier. You have advantage on saving throws against energybending techniques.